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Brand Labs background

‘When you learn, teach. When you get, give’  –  Maya Angelou

We have been learning about the value of design for 16 years, working with organisations of every size. We love what we do, and feel incredibly lucky to be here. At 10, with a decade of experience under our belt, we figured it was time to start giving back. That our collective knowledge should be shared to help support others. And so Brand Labs was born. A competition that, every year, would help a Welsh start up build the brand they dreamed of, no strings attached. Our Brand Labs project is always one of our favourite projects to work on in the year. And we can’t wait to get started.


Why startups?

Working with small startups brings us right back to why we went into business in the first place. Startups have an edge that we thrive on. We love the hustle. They are at the start of their journey, fuelled with passion, and purpose. It’s infectious to be around. Energising. Ideas are free flowing, innovation embraced. Small businesses are less restricted by process and protocol, nimble and free to try new things. Startups are connected to their ‘why’, and intrinsically know what they stand for – they live and breathe it every day. 

But they often don’t have the time, experience, budget or most importantly, the confidence to articulate all of this to their customers. When we build a brand, we distil all of their amazing energy and purpose into their brand promise, or story – and this is where the magic happens. Brand becomes the great equaliser. Small businesses, with strong brand presence, can compete for customer engagement up there, with the big boys. We absolutely love this quote:

‘Brand is…a secret weapon. A brand helps pit the small against the large, the David against the Goliath.’  – Joe Saxton


What is Brand Labs

Workshop – Strategy – Brand – Website – Mentorship – Support

Brand Labs offers one Welsh startup a year’s worth of support* from our amazing and experienced team. We want to help you take your business to the next level, and give you a new sense of accomplishment and confidence. 

Our starting point is always discovery. Our kick off workshop is fun, and interactive. You let it all out and we take it all in. Together, we will write your brand story, flowing through vision, mission and values. We will create a strategy that lays out the foundations of the new brand. Then, we craft an epic brand and website, fine tuned to engage, connect and supercharge growth.

Beyond the tangibles, we will also offer mentorship and encouragement along the way. We want our winner to use us as a sounding board, test ideas with us, and know that we are at the end of the phone. This is a lasting relationship, and we are all in.


Who should apply?

Any Welsh startup, be that a product-based, service-led, grassroots charity or social enterprise is encouraged to apply, as long as they:

  • Are based in Wales
  • Were launched within the last 3 years
  • Are up and running. We love good ideas, but that’s not what we’re looking for this time

In 2022, we are conscious of the pandemic hangover, and the difficult economic conditions that startups are launching into. So, absolutely tell us about your vision, plan, who your competition and target audience is and crucially, what makes you different. But also, don’t be afraid to download about the challenges you have faced. This will help us identify who we can add the most value to.


Application process

Here’s a rundown of the process, from application to prize:

  1. You apply using the application form link below. The application deadline is 30.09.2022.
  2. Our team will read through every application before deciding on three startups for our shortlist.
  3. In October we will hold shortlist interviews. We can do this online, or at the studio over a coffee. 
  4. We announce the winner.
  5. We book in our first workshop and get started!


To apply for Brand Labs 2022, please fill out the application form here.

*The Brand Labs competition package includes a brand, website and launch campaign design and development worth £15,000.