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We have some exciting news to share!

Starting this month, we’re shaking things up a bit with the introduction of ‘You Days’ at designdough. What’s that, you ask? It’s a special day for our incredible team to kick back, recharge, and soak up some quality time away from the grind. We’re all about fostering a happy and balanced team, and ‘You Days’ are our way of making it happen.

Every third Friday of the month, we’re hitting pause, closing the studio doors, and diving headfirst into some well-deserved ‘me time’. Whether it’s catching up on a good book, spending quality time with loved ones, going for a hike, or simply lounging in our PJs watching our favourite series; ‘You Days’ are all about doing what makes us happy. There are no rules.  

We understand that life can get hectic, and we wanted to make sure our team has dedicated time to unwind, destress, and soak in the good stuff. Well-being is a big deal to us at designdough, so these days are our way of saying; “Hey, you’ve been working hard – now take a moment for yourself!”


What does this mean for our projects?

We truly believe that by investing in the well-being of our team, we’re ultimately enhancing the quality of the work we produce for our clients. A rested and rejuvenated team is a more creative and focused team, ready to inject fresh ideas and energy into our projects.

Our projects matter, and we’re on it. We promise to make sure the studio closure doesn’t throw a spanner into the works. Our team is on top of it, planning ahead to make sure your projects keep rolling smoothly. 

So here we are, heading towards our very first ‘You Day’ of the year… We can’t wait to hear all about the team’s adventures, relaxation, and the fantastic ways they choose to spend their well-deserved breaks!