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“My nan’s nickname for me is ‘admin’ because I even organise my family… I love lists and plans – ticking something off a list is so satisfying”

Another Q&A from us, so soon? You bet. It’s time for us to introduce our very own project powerhouse. Keep reading to find out more about our brand new Studio Manager, from her last meal to the best advice she’s ever received. Be a bit nosey, go on…

1. What’s your role at designdough?

I’m so excited to be the new Studio Manager at designdough. My role will focus on two things; Project Management and Studio Management. I’ll be keeping processes super tight throughout the company and ensuring projects are always on track whilst maintaining positive client relationships. I’ll be the go-to for anything admin – one of my main roles will also be making sure everyone is organised and cracking the whip when deadlines are looming!

2. What led you to this career?

I have worked in TV & Film since I left university, so 8 years now, and I’ve got to a stage in my life where I want to try something new. There’s a big old world out there, why not see it? My previous Production Manager role, I feel, was quite similar to my role here at designdough, and so I felt the transition was a great one to make. Not only to take my project management experience in a different direction, but also within a new industry. 

3. If you weren’t a Studio Manager, what would you be?

I have to say up until the age of about 20, I always wanted to and thought I’d be an actress. My family thought I’d end up on stage from the time I was about 3 years old I think! Two things made me change my mind at the time: 

  1. I worked at an acting agency during university and loved the office/ admin side of the TV & Theatre industry and… 
  2. I don’t have the personality to be ok with the fact I could be out of work for long periods of time as an actress (generally, they say jobbing actors are out of work 80% of the time). 

I’m too methodical and organised to ‘see what happens’ – I have to have a plan for everything and know that that security is there.

4. Who are your five dream dinner party guests?

Ru Paul & Michelle Visage – I’m an obsessive Drag Race fan and would literally go giddy if I met Ru Paul & Michelle. They’re both like naughty school children, and I just know we would laugh until we cried!

Jennifer Saunders & Joanna Lumley (in character as Edina Monsoon & Patsy Stone) – My favourite TV characters of all time who would definitely bring the party and a bottle of Bollinger or three! 

Emma Thompson – One of the best actresses to ever come out of Britain and who would be my absolute idol & inspiration if I were a jobbing actress right now. She’s also one of the funniest people and would provide the entertainment.

5. You’re walking to work on a Monday morning…what songs are you listening to?

I have such an eclectic taste in music. I’m a self-confessed radio hopper – on one journey I could literally go from listening to Sean Paul, to Michael Buble to Bonnie Tyler! 

6. It’s your last meal on Earth – what’s on the menu?

It would have to be pizza. A proper Italian, thin crust (foldable) made by a restaurant like Calabrisella in Canton, Cardiff. Also a big fan of thick strawberry milkshakes, so I’d definitely have that on the side.

7. What’s been the best thing about living in Cardiff?

I’m a Cardiff girl, born and bred, so I love city life. I love the fact that literally everything is on my doorstep and within walking distance. Some of my best friends are from the Valleys and I still can’t get over the fact that they have to drive to the nearest Tesco! There’s a Tesco on every corner in Cardiff!

8. What’s been the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Just to be me. I am a big believer in being yourself, no masks or gimmicks. Being true to yourself honestly gets you a long way in life

9. What’s something that you’re really good at at work?

I’d say being super organised. My Nan’s nickname for me is ‘admin’ because I even organise my family – anything they need doing, they leave for me. I love lists and plans – ticking something off a list is so satisfying.

10. On a day held in your honour, what would people have to do?

Tell stories about all the funny and silly things I got up to as a child. Such as me announcing when I was about 8 years old that I wanted to be a ‘Business Adviror’ (Business Advisor) when I grew up. Or the time I played ‘Tallulah’ in our high school Bugsy Malone musical when I was 11, which no one could believe because I’d had the nickname ‘Tallulah’ since the day I was born!