We’re Moving!
Mount Stuart House in Cardiff Bay has been our home for the last four years, but the building was recently sold. This meant one thing: We’re moving!
The Power of Brand: IKEA
From the beginning, IKEA’s vision has been to “create a better everyday life for the many people” and this is reflected in every part of their business model
The Journal: Building Websites Is Easy…Right!?
Think you can launch a website and then its job done? Errrrrr, nope! Those babies take constant upkeep, maintenance, love and care, much like a small furry pet…or a beloved pot plant.
The Journal: The Importance of Video
Instagram Stories. Snapchat. Periscope. Youtube. Vimeo. Vine (RIP…although, V2 anyone!?). Even Facebook has integrated video banners into its pages.
The Journal: Don’t Lose Your Heart On The Web
No, we’re not talking about Tinder or Bumble here, although keeping your brand consistent and concise on all digital channels could be likened to maintaining a dating profile.
The Journal: A Trip Down Memory Lane…
Reminisce with us for a second, if you will, and join us in feeling hideously old…
Our (tech) stack
Okay, so this is going to be bit of a technical post (brace yourselves!)
The Power of Brand: Supreme
On our daily appreciation of all things brand, we’ve started to collect snippets from some very special companies…
We Love: OkCupid’s ‘DTF’ Campaign
If you’re not particularly savvy on contemporary acronyms or a big fan of the TV Show Jersey Shore, then you probably have no idea what ‘DTF’ means and we suggest that you refer to Urban Dictionary…