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designdough Predictions for 2015

New and rolling design trends of 2015

Background Music in the Workplace

What type of music is better for concentrating on your different daily tasks?

‘Break’ Time

I realise that this is my first blog post for designdough in the 5 years I have now worked here and itā€™s not about contrasting colours or the importance of well-kerned titles…

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Change (Without the Waffle!)

There has been a lot of news and discussion over the last week or so about about Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm change on April 21st 2015.

Getting Over Newbie Nerves: Starting at a New Company

My first days at work at a new company are usually ridiculously daunting…

A Guide to Writing Copy for Print

Just because you can fill a page with text, doesnā€™t necessarily mean that you should.

SEO Back 2 Basics

In the land of SEO, there are many myths and doā€™s and donā€™ts; a minefield thatā€™s easy to get caught in.

designdough: the story

So hereā€™s our story, itā€™s been ten years in the makingā€¦

Make Your Own Pallet Christmas Tree #builditbrandit

You may or may not remember this hideously tacky Christmas film we made last year…

How to: Approach an Agency for the First Time

We get it, itā€™s scary, and we donā€™t envy you, but everyone at designdough had to do it at some point, so let us give you some top tips on how to get on your go-to agencyā€™s radar and stay there!

Why we’ve updated our website…again

We launched our current website on 8th April 2016 – that’s 580 days ago.

How to: Manage the launch of a new brand

So you’ve worked your bum off collaborating with your chosen design agency to ensure that your brand is all singing, all dancing and truly represents your mission and vision.

Onwards and upwards…

In usual designdough fashion, we got carried away with Christmas festivities, projects, marketing and…er hum…parties, that our December blog fell by the wayside.

The Journal: The Science Behind Print

We are delighted to see that print, in its many forms is having somewhat of a renaissance; a hipster revival much in the same way as vinyl has become popular again.

Vive La Print!

Screen-printing has seen many rises and falls in popularity, turning from a revolutionary manufacturing process to an undoubtable art form.

We Visited: gofod3

Last year, we were honoured to win a tender laid out by the WCVA (Welsh Council for Voluntary Action) for the brand and design of their new pilot project, gofod3.

We Visited: Spectrum Printing

Warning! this is a hideously geeky blog post in which we talk about not only our love of print, but our excitement at seeing print processes in action…

We Love: OkCupid’s ‘DTF’ Campaign

If you’re not particularly savvy on contemporary acronyms or a big fan of the TV Show Jersey Shore, then you probably have no idea what ‘DTF’ means and we suggest that you refer to Urban Dictionary…

The Power of Brand: Supreme

On our daily appreciation of all things brand, weā€™ve started to collect snippets from some very special companies…

Our (tech) stack

Okay, so this is going to be bit of a technical post (brace yourselves!)

The Journal: A Trip Down Memory Lane…

Reminisce with us for a second, if you will, and join us in feeling hideously old…

The Journal: Don’t Lose Your Heart On The Web

No, weā€™re not talking about Tinder or Bumble here, although keeping your brand consistent and concise on all digital channels could be likened to maintaining a dating profile.

The Journal: The Importance of Video

Instagram Stories. Snapchat. Periscope. Youtube. Vimeo. Vine (RIP…although, V2 anyone!?). Even Facebook has integrated video banners into its pages.

The Journal: Building Websites Is Easy…Right!?

Think you can launch a website and then its job done? Errrrrr, nope! Those babies take constant upkeep, maintenance, love and care, much like a small furry pet…or a beloved pot plant.

The Power of Brand: IKEA

From the beginning, IKEAā€™s vision has been to ā€œcreate a better everyday life for the many peopleā€ and this is reflected in every part of their business model

New year, new brand?

If our brand doesnā€™t speak to us anymore, thereā€™s no way we can sell ourselves to clients in the way weā€™d like.

Starting a business – designdough: The Story

Get used to never feeling comfortable ever again. Saying that, itā€™s the most fulfilling, enjoyable and exciting journey Iā€™ve ever been on.

Finding your Why and sharing your Story. Why is it important?

Thereā€™s something within your business that lies beyond the money it makes, the services it offers or the products it sells. Purpose.

Meet Michael – Q&A with our Web Developer

Itā€™s been a rather unconventional start for Michael and us – heā€™s been with us for a month but weā€™ve only met him twice…

What is your ikigai and how do you find it?

Discover your Reason for Being according to an ancient Japanese concept.

Top tips for managing chronic illness at work

Hello, Iā€™m Abi and I live with a chronic illnessā€¦

Is Graphic Design a Good Career?

We answer the internet’s most asked questions on a topic we love to talk about… Graphic Design.

Asking a Web Developer Stupid Questions

Our Instagram followers asked us website questions, and our Web Developer answered!

Things I Consider When Designing For Web

Let’s face it, a well designed website can make or break your online presence.

Serving Up Life On The Web

Did you know – Wales has the 10th largest server farm in the world! But what the hec is a server farm?

Brand Strategy Consolidation: Why your Brand Needs a Backbone

Once upon a time, a ā€˜good-enoughā€™ logo and a business card would have been enough to get you through the door. Not anymore…

Building a Sense of Belonging

Our studio isnā€™t just a workspace, itā€™s an extension of our brand ethos, us as a team and the immersive quality of our process.

10 Tips For Overcoming Creative Block

Creative block. The dreadful, infuriating, inescapable monotony of a brain that wonā€™t switch on…

Celebrating 5 Years of Abi – A Q&A with our Studio Manager

ā€œI give myself daily reminders to remain realistic, practical, strategic and to not buy-in to ā€˜grind cultureā€™. Your worth is not measured by your productivity.ā€

Creating a Unique Brand Voice Through Typography

Typography is one of the key areas of branding and is often the bedrock of any successful identity.

Our 2020 Mood Board

A miscellaneous collection of images that have inspired us this year.

Brand Archetypes – How to build long-lasting connections with your customers

Why do we connect with certain brands better than others? Why are there certain brands that, no matter what they sell, produce or drop, weā€™re right there waiting with bated breath to see what they do next?

7 Reasons we Vibe with Officevibe

To mark International Week of Happiness at Work, we want to tell you about Officevibe and the reasons we vibe with it.

Introducing Jade – A Q&A with our Studio Manager

“My nan’s nickname for me is ‘admin’ because I even organise my family… I love lists and plans – ticking…

Team Choice: Our Favourite Packaging Picks

Donā€™t be fooled by packaging; it may seem like a bit of a boring subject at first, but thereā€™s something about a packaging project that gets our hearts ticking.Ā Take a browse at our top packaging picks…

Our New Website and 10 Reasons Why You Should Update Yours

Thereā€™s a myriad of reasons one should update their website, which moves us nicely along to you. Is it time for you to update your website? Here are just some of the reasons why the answer to that might be yes.Ā 

Team Choice: Our 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

With 2021 drawn to a close, we’re starting off with an exciting and inspiring 2022 here at designdough. What better way than to kick off the New Year with good ol’ traditions? Have a nose at our goals, plans and hobbies for 2022 here…

5 Reasons Why We Love Asana

You may be wondering – what on Earth is Asana? That’s where we can come in. From managing everyday tasks to planning ahead for big projects, Asana is our favourite project management tool, and here’s why…

The Power of Brand: Patagonia

The brand that re-invented what it means to be outdoors. Read our analysis of Patagonia’s brand values and how they sparked an environmental clothing revolution.

Why Words Matter: The Importance of Brand Tone of Voice

(Image Credit: Nationwide UK) Brand tone of voice is specially designed to showcase the brandā€™s goals, values and personality through a particular word choice. Find yours here.

NASA’s Logo: The Meatball vs. The Worm

This is designdough’s investigation into the iconic NASA logo. The Meatball and The Worm took the world by storm in their own ways, but which one is your favourite?

It’s All Eco: How to Make Your Packaging Sustainable

Sustainable packaging is nothing new, but businesses are only just starting to realise the benefit. Take a read of our sustainable packaging top tips…

How to Make Design Accessible

Designing for accessibility isn’t just something that’s ‘nice to have’ – it’s a legal requirement! Here are our tips on how to make design accessible…

5 Reasons Why We Love Slack

We’ve tried lots of communication platforms in our time, but Slack well and truly won our hearts a few years ago. And here’s whyā€¦

Carers Week 2022: Our Journey with The Care Collective

Our rebranding journey with The Care Collective, as they join other national charities to raise much-needed awareness for Carers Week 2022.

The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement starts from the very beginning of any project. So, how does designdough work with Stakeholders?

6 Top Tips for Applying for our new Graphic Design Internship

Have you seen that weā€™re advertising for our new Graphic Design Summer Intern? Weā€™ve put together our 6 Top Tips for applying.

What do we mean by Brand?

If we can define what a brand is, we can begin to understand why some are so successful over others.

Branded house vs House of brands

Branded House vs House of Brands – Maximising Brand Impact   In a Branded House strategy, the company has a…

Embracing ‘You Days’

We have some exciting news to share! Starting this month, we’re shaking things up a bit with the introduction of…

A Supporting Role: Helping Wales Tell A New Story

The Creative Industry: A New Frontier On Christmas Day, like so many others, we settled down to watch the brilliant…